Can't Find What You're Looking For?
Are you looking for a specific item you found in our store in Sonoma or on our social media?
Since our online store is stocked straight from the shelves of our store in Sonoma, we do not have the ability to feature everything. Our online venture is about focusing on our bestselling items that we have a lot of!
However, YOU ARE NOT LIMITED TO THE ITEMS ONLINE. Simply send us a quick email with a description of the item you saw in store or on social media. We will confirm with you by photos that we have that item in our hands, and then we can list it specifically for you here, on our platform! You will get a link directly to it so you can complete your order, and we'll send it off to you ASAP!
Sound too confusing? Don't worry, it's easy peasy, and we are happy to help, but if you would prefer to order over the phone we can do that too.
Feel free to email or call (links below) and we'll get you started!
Email us here:
Call us here: 707-939-2847